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Architetture Fantastiche wins Uia Golden Cubes awards

Our group Architetture Fantastiche wins, in the Institutions category, the national edition of the Uia Golden Cubes award, launched by the National Council of Architects.

ARCHITETTURE FANTASTICHE Workgroup of the Florentine Architects Foundation for the diffusion of architectural culture to children from 0 to 99 years. In order of appearance in the picture: Lapo Galluzzi, Sara Ciregia, Roberto Malfatti, Ilaria Fabbroni, Mariella Chiari, Marco Calamandrei, Emanuela Paglia, Emilia Castellani, Eva Angeloni, Silvia Ricceri, Simone Scortecci, Alessandro Rendòn, Lapo Bernardini.


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